First, if this is your first time here, the process is simple and quick. Parking is abundant which is always my concern when looking up places in NJ. The front desk explained the paperwork that needed to be signed and often joked with us as we were filling it out. This is well organized for first timers and the staff here makes it very welcoming for guests.

Second, the staff behind the register and the weapons were so patient and made sure that we understood the different options. I was a bit confused on the packages they offered and had to make a last minute change. My friends came in a bit earlier and were already on line but the staff managed to squeeze me in with them so I can fire with them and I was so grateful for that flexibility.

Third, the instructors couldn’t be any more clearer and helpful as we were getting oriented to the weapon. Concise instructions and useful walk-through on how to use the weapon safely and how to act while on the range help made this experience smooth, comfortable and easy for all the members in my party. Helpful reminders on how much time we had on the range rather than surprising us by kicking us when our time is up off was greatly appreciated.

And lastly, afterwards, one of the owners stopped by and chatted with us. He genuinely wanted to know how our experience was before we left. Despite our conversation lasting for only 5 minutes, we all left feeling like actual valued guests.

In the area and want to learn and fire some weapons safely? Check this place out!!