I came here last night for date night and loved it. From the minute we walked in, the staff was extremely nice and helpful. The only negative part was the wait. Now granted it was a Saturday night but the range is small so the wait was over an hour. They hand you a pager which you hold on to until it’s your time to shoot however it only works in the vicinity. If you wander off to far, it will deactivate. They are currently in the process of building an expansion next door so that should cut down the wait time significantly. The shooting instructors were very nice and helpful. They had a lot of energy and were very careful with checking in on you as well. Safety is huge for them here which I like. At the end, our instructor took some great pictures for us and I just left with a positive experience. I definitely recommend this place if your in north jersey and looking to shoot some badass guns.

K.O – 4 Stars