Stephanie C.

Today was the first time I ever shot a gun, and I had a blast!!! We used a groupon that included an AK47 and Barreta pistol, protection stuff, ammo, etc.

The pistol, being light and easy to target, was my favorite. (The ak 47 was very heavy!) Kenny taught us how to shoot, load, aim. Very cool and smart guy, was beside us at every step of the way. I appreciated an attentive staff person as shooting  can be intimidating at first. I must’ve asked him the same questions over and over again, and he never got frustrated. Instead, he was watching me and making sure I was doing the right thing at all times.

Anyway, I’d highly recommend coming here. Especially for new-commers!!!


Screen Shot 2017 10 23 at 10.02.19 PM - I had a blast!!!