Even if you have no desire to shoot any kind of gun, I recommend checking this place out yourself. Why? First, the staff couldn’t be friendlier and more helpful. Just want to look around? No problem. Second, Safety is one of the most important items here. NO ONE walks around armed. Range Safety Officers are never in short supply. They can help you with most anything while shooting. Third is cost. I have been involved in many endeavors in my life. Shooting is not expensive compared to many other sports (skiing, golfing, bowling, even bicycling).  Finally there is the friendliest group of people all around you. No other sport compares to the camaraderie you will find here. Like my pistol? Here, shoot a few rounds. Try yours? Thanks!
Going here for an hour would be like going to a favorite restaurant and being catered by four waiters, a bartender and two drink servers. Just for YOU! Now, are you still sure you won’t come out to play?


Screen Shot 2017 10 23 at 4.34.31 PM - No other sport compares!