Gun For Hire Academy Logo White - First Aid Courses

These First Aid courses are a great learning experience for all ages. Something the entire family should take together.

Basic First Aid Gun FOr Hire - First Aid Courses

Basic First Aid

Learn techniques to deal with an emergency.

CPR - First Aid Courses


Feel confident, act quickly, and save life.

RSO Medical Mini - First Aid Courses

RSO Medical+

Prepare for any emergency in the range.

Hemorage control - First Aid Courses

Hemorrhage Control

Treat a wound quickly and effectively.

Travel Planning - First Aid Courses

Professional Trip Planning

Prepare for a non-medical emergency when hiking or camping.

Prepping mini - First Aid Courses


Establish a state of preparedness in time of emergency.

Prepping 2 mini - First Aid Courses

Prepping Lvl 2

Learn survival techniques during an emergency situation.

Wilderness first aid 2 - First Aid Courses

Wilderness First Aid

Take control of a medical emergency when camping or hiking.

Terrorism - First Aid Courses

Terrorism Awareness

Improve Situational Awareness